Developmental Editor LinkedIn Profile

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Services and Rates


Types of Editing Services Provided:

  • Copyediting (light, regular, and substantive)
  • Developmental and substantive editing
  • Content development, writing, editing
  • SEO content optimization
  • Proofreading
  • Permissions
  • Researching
  • Ghostwriting
  • Fact-checking
  • Legal document proofreading

(Excluding Developmental Editing, SEO Content Creation, and Transcription)

Payments are to be made via installments based on phases in a payment type agreed upon by you and me. You will sign off and make payment on each phase before proceeding. This ensures you and I are in agreement at each step of the process and provides open communication avenues.

For the minute details of a work estimate and time scope, as well as the true language of a service contract, please look over a sample: Sample Service Contract (this is a PDF file and is in template format for general editing services). This contract is detailed but provides protection for both you and me and clarifies our work relationship with clarity.


1.  Legal Services (aside from general editing):
The flat rate applies to all legal services, excluding transcription services.

The type of services requested will dictate the process and mode of our communications, task procedure, billing type, and delivery type.
Legal research, writing, and editing services and delivery are, of course, dependent upon many facts and specifics. A detailed conversation will need to take place before such complex details can be resolved.

2.  General Editing, Content Creation, SEO Content Writing and Optimization:
The average number of pages edited per hour is seven (7). Exact rate TBD upon type of service required for your specific work. I will normally need to see the material(s) before I can give a confident estimate of time and cost.

Industry practice is to edit a few pages before an accurate estimate of time and cost can be given. The time spent reviewing a project's needs is also included in the freelancer's fee.

All estimates incorporate time for at least one complete reading of the project from beginning to end and for correspondence, meetings, telephone conferences, and other ancillary aspects of the job.

Please note: editing rates and time scope are primarily based on a letter-sized page, double-spaced, at 10-12 pt font, 1-inch margins. Editing is usually completed in pre-press layout. Editing for content already in final layout will be billed a different rate, contingent upon a sample editing of 7 - 10 pages and agreement reached on estimated cost.

3.  Developmental/Substantive Editing, $40 - $60/hour:

Developmental editing works differently than copyediting, SEO content development and editing, and/or proofreading. It is an immersive experience for both you and me. It becomes almost therapeutic. My rates, which reflect average rates, reflect this level of attention and involvement with your process and project. 

I strongly recommend that you read the Editorial Freelancers Association's ​Code of Fair Practice.

Also, for a fair and accessible breakdown of editing rates, I recommend viewing the Editorial Freelancers Association's Editorial Rates page.